Privacy Policy

Movinn A/S takes its customers' privacy seriously and is committed to protecting it. Movinn A/S also commits to handling and using received information about residents and customers responsibly and in accordance with the applicable legislation on the handling of personal data, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

A movinn apartment


  • 'The Company' is a collective term for all legal entities within our group, herunder Movinn A/S (CVR no. 36416432), Movinn Sverige AB, Movinn Deutschland GmbH and Copenhagen Suites ApS.
  • 'Information' is a collective term for information - written and visual - that enables the identification of a resident, including but not limited to name, surname, passport number, passport photo, email address, etc., as well as professional information that enables the identification of the customer. The term also covers payment details, bank information, etc.
  • 'The Customer' is a collective term for the company that enters into an agreement with the Company on behalf of the resident, and/or the agent who enters into an agreement with the Company on behalf of a legal entity and its employees, or the individual who has rented a unit from us.
  • 'Residence' or 'Unit' means one of the Company's furnished and serviced apartments, townhouses, single houses, or villas that can be rented by the customer for an agreed-upon period. 'The Website' refers to the Company's website, which can be accessed through the following domain names:,,, regardless of the device used to access the website. 'Device' is a collective term for all electronic devices - desktop, laptop, or handheld - that can be used to access the Company's website.

Collection Method

Movinn A/S does not collect information through navigation on the Company's website without the prior acceptance or knowledge of the navigating party. This means that the Company does not know the email addresses, names, or other information about the navigating party unless it is provided or actively accepted. Similarly, the Company does not collect information that is not relevant to the potential business relationship between the Company and the customer. In cases where the Company needs to obtain information, the resident, their employer, and/or their relocation agency are asked to voluntarily provide the requested information to the Company. This will often be in situations where a customer wants to rent a unit in one of the Company's properties. In such cases, the Company will request information directly through phone, email, personal meetings, or through the customer's use of the Company's website and/or mobile applications.

Information may also be collected and/or supplemented in connection with move-ins and move-outs, temporary reservations of housing, inquiries about available housing, inquiries about a specific type of housing, inquiries about specific services or property facilities, customer satisfaction surveys, as well as registrations for email services, loyalty programs, and newsletters.

    Types of Information

    The types of information that the Company may collect - both ongoing and prior to entering into agreements - follow the data minimization principle and are listed below. The collection of the following information is intended to ensure: i) that the Company best meets the customer's wishes and preferences, ii) that the sales process is efficient, and iii) that the ongoing service to the resident is performed correctly and securely. This makes the overall customer experience convenient and professional, which, in the Company's opinion, is in everyone's interest.

    • First and last name of the resident.
    • Government issued ID number Passport number and a copy of a valid photo id.
    • Valid email.
    • Valid phone number for the Resident.
    • Customer's company name, CVR number, and mailing address. Company reference, including the name, surname, valid email, and phone number of the Customer.
    • Customer's payment preferences and payment information.
    • Resident's preferences for additional services. Inquiries about desired types of accommodation, including price, size, location, amenities, etc.
    • Inquiries about the desired neighborhood of the housing. Resident's preferences regarding shopping options, restaurants, and leisure activities.
    • Security questions for the Resident, so they can be identified in case of lost belongings.

    Movinn A/S keeps sensitive personal information strictly confidential and does not sell or disclose information about the Customer and/or Resident to third parties unless it is necessary for the natural delivery of agreed-upon services.

    Sensitive and personally identifiable information is stored in encrypted, cloud-based databases that can only be accessed through two-factor authentication.Similarly, payment-sensitive information is handled through approved third parties who also use two-factor authentication.

    Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information

    The Customer and/or resident are free to provide the previous types of information, and they are also free to opt out of the sales and service communications sent by the Company. However, it should be emphasized that opting out of communications or providing incomplete information may hinder the sales process and ongoing service deliveries. This may cause inconvenience for the Customer and/or Resident.

    Movinn A/S may disclose information about the Company's Residents in the following ways:

    • If it follows the Resident's prior consent; In cases where the Company communicates with employers or agents of various kinds who either (i) represent the Resident, (ii) have facilitated the lease agreement of the Property on behalf of the Resident, (iii) pay rent for the Property on the resident's behalf, or (iv) have purchased additional services on behalf of the Resident. All with the Resident's or Customer's consent. In cases where the Resident themselves handles the aforementioned on behalf of a company or organization, information is also disclosed to their employer and/or company/organization;
    • In cases where the financial obligations are paid by the Resident's employer, information is disclosed to them and possibly to third parties assisting the Resident's employer in invoicing, salary payments, etc.;
    • In cases where a credit card or other payment preference requires a security, validity, and/or solvency check that can only be performed by a certified third party; In cases where desired services are provided by an approved third party; In cases where other legal entities, on behalf of the Company, perform business-related activities, including but not limited to database maintenance, credit card payments, automated invoicing and payment, marketing, business development, and development of technological infrastructure;
    • If Movinn A/S either merges with or acquires another legal entity or is acquired by another legal entity; In cases where the Company is required by law to disclose information; In special emergencies where individuals' health or lives are threatened. When disclosing information, the Company requires that third parties handle and use the information in accordance with the same principles described in this Privacy Policy and in compliance with applicable personal data handling legislation

    Use of Customers' and Residents' Information

    The Company uses provided information about Customers and Residents based on the principle of purpose limitation, including sending order confirmations for concluded agreements and invoicing the agreed-upon security deposit prior to the takeover of a specific Property. In some cases, provided email addresses will be used by the Company to obtain additional information that facilitates and/or promotes the rental process and customer experience.

    The Company may use provided email addresses to:

    • Send practical information to the Resident prior to arrival, during the stay, and upon departure. Sending confirmation details to the Resident and the Customer prior to arrival. Sending special offers and non-listed properties to preferred customers who are part of the Company's loyalty program.
    • Communicating about any crises, emergencies, or temporary interruptions in the Company's service. Sending copies of invoices and bills to the Customer and/or Resident upon request. Sending customer satisfaction surveys and/or market research.


    As part of the Company's desire to keep its Customers and Residents well informed, Customers and/or Residents may be contacted by the Company via email, phone, push notifications, or in-person visits. This is to ensure that Customers and Residents are fully informed about move-in and move-out dates and to maximize customer satisfaction.

    Similarly, Residents may be informed about special events, new services offered by the company, and similar promotions. Of course, it is up to the Resident to opt out and reject any commercial outreach that the Company may make.

    Residents will also be contacted by the Company in relation to service notifications. In most cases, the Resident's consent to receive service notifications will be considered tacitly given, as otherwise, it would be impossible to carry out certain desired and agreed-upon service deliveries.

      Right to be Forgotten and Data Portability

      Residents and Customers have the right to request the erasure of their personal data held by Movinn A/S under certain circumstances. Movinn A/S will comply with such requests unless there is a legitimate reason for retaining the data, such as fulfilling legal obligations.

      Residents and Customers also have the right to receive their personal data in a commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit this data to another controller without hindrance from Movinn A/S, where technically feasible.

        Changes to Personal Information

        It is the Company's intention and desire that contact information about our Customers and Residents is always accurate, complete, and up to date. Similarly, the Company aims to ensure that our Customers and Residents do not receive unwanted commercial outreach. Our Customers and Residents can contact the Company at any time to correct or delete their own contact information and/or contact preferences. In addition, our Customers and Residents can unsubscribe or disable the receipt of newsletters, special offers, and other marketing materials sent by the Company.

        To make changes to contact information, contact preferences, or to unsubscribe from receiving marketing materials:

        Follow the instructions at the bottom of the received email with marketing material. Call our sales department directly at phone number +45 88 33 88 38. Send an email to our sales department at, specifying the desired changes. Send an inquiry by mail to: Movinn A/S Orient Plads 1A, DK-2150 Nordhavn, Copenhagen. The Company will take all necessary steps to accommodate our Customers' and Residents' change requests.

          Contact the Data Controller

          if Customers and Residents have questions and/or comments about the Company's privacy practices and data handling, they can contact the Company's data controller:

          • Name: Victor Ehinlanwo
          • Email:
          • Phone number: +45 88 33 88 38
          • Mail to: Movinn A/S Orientplads 1A, 2150 Nordhavn

          Changes to the Privacy Policy

          The Company encourages Customers and Residents to stay updated with changes to the Company's Privacy Policy, as it is subject to periodic updates at the Company's discretion. The current Privacy Policy is always available on the Company's website, marked with a version number and a release date for the latest update. If Customers, Residents, and other users of the company's website do not accept an update to the Company's Privacy Policy, their contact information, customer profiles, user profiles, and similar records may be deleted from the Company's website and databases. If Customers, Residents, and other users continue to use the website after changes to the Company's Privacy Policy have been published, the published changes are considered to have been read, understood, and accepted.

            Choice of Law

            Any dispute arising from this Privacy Policy is subject to Danish law.

              Effective Date of the Privacy Policy

              Any dispute arising from this Privacy Policy is subject to Danish law.

              • Version 1 of our Privacy Policy is effective from December 1, 2014.
              • Version 2 of our Privacy Policy has been updated and is effective from May 1, 2018.
              • Version 3 of our Privacy Policy has been updated and is effective from May 10, 2022.
              • Version 4 of our Privacy Policy has been updated and is effective from February 1 2024.

              Current version of our Privacy Policy is version 4.

              Cookie Consent

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              See our  Cookiejar  for what cookies we collect and why.