CSR Policy
We take our Corporate Social Responsibility serious, and we want to show you how serious we take it.

Why we have a CSR Policy
At Movinn we are aware of our responsibility as a company. We are a Danish company, and we could not be successful without the infrastructure and eco-systems made possible through public spending, such as roads, bridges, airports, fibreoptic internet, free education, university incubation systems, trade-deals, etc.
We are a small company employing 34 people. However, social responsibility is not something reserved for the large corporations; It is not some abstract thing that trickles down from the multinationals and it is not rocket science.
The past years has been extraordinary as the society, business, and the communities in where we live and work, were reshaped. We saw progress in battling COVID-19, renewed commitment to our planet, and remarkable human resilience in balancing work/life priorities and societal needs. In the coming years, we aim to create economic opportunity to reduce inequalities and enable inclusive growth.
We are facing a climate crisis. We openly acknowledge that we are implicated and that businesses like us need to act with speed and ambition.
We will continue measuring our carbon footprint annually and ongoingly implement ideas to limit and offset our carbon footprint. We will also continue to engage in social efforts and supporting good, local causes with both funds, donations and volunteer work.
We are doing a lot of good efforts already, but we can and will do more. So when reading this, kindly keep in mind that this is a working document that will evolve as we continue to get larger, older and wiser.
Thank you for reading,
Kind Regards

Our focusses
Overarching Values
Environmental & Sustainability
Diversity in hiring and staff training
Diversity in clients
Fair wages and Hiring terms
Anti-corruption and bribery
Health and Safety
Movinn Foundation
Our core values
Before we launched Movinn in Denmark in march of 2015, we identified a few overarching values and principles that should define us as a company and guide the way to conduct business. We are still adhering to these original principles, but we are obviously also evolving and trying to keep up with the world around us. So on the back of our business-values, we are now developing our strategy and awareness on Environmental and Social impact.
What we say is what we do. What you see is what you get. Our clients – no matter the size of the client - should always expect the same good product and service. Every apartment, furnishing and service has a certain standard and all products and pricing is fully visible on our website.
We run an extra mile for our clients and we always strive to improve and evolve. We are passionate about our service and business and we help each other internally to deliver the best possible product and service to our clients. No one is above the company and nobody is too good – or too high up in the organization – to help each other out in times of need.
We are constantly evolving, and we have a constant focus on the needs and demands of our clients – both in terms of sales and in terms of operations. We are agile and we use forefront technology to develop our own IT-products to deliver a more efficient service to clients and residents.
We service all our clients and residents in a proper and professional manner. We focus on solutions and not on problems. If problems arise, we solve them at as soon as possible and no client is too small to receive the same high standard of professional service.
Environmental & Sustainability Concerns
keyboard_arrow_downResponsible consumption and production is one of the many UN Development goals that we are focusing on. The same goes with Clean energy. We buy all our electricity from sustainable energy sources. Since February 2020 we have bought all our electricity in Denmark from renewable energy sources the power is being delivered from danish energy company, Orsted.
Water and heat
keyboard_arrow_downWater and heat supply is delivered from the local municipalities and the sustainability of the heat and water production and delivery lies beyond our scope. While we do not have direct control on how our Clients manage their temperatures in their apartments, we do go out of our way to inform and educate them on local standards and norms and offer advice on heat saving initiatives.
We also always go with the most ecofriendly option when replacing water taps, showerheads and similar fixtures, replacing them with EcoSmart water saving fixtures from Grohe.
Linen wash
keyboard_arrow_downWe have our own inhouse laundry, where we currently wash 1.7 tonnes of Linen a month or 20.4 tonnes a year. As we grow our business activities, that volume will increase ongoingly. Our laundry machines and dryers are in an industrial / professional standard delivered by danish supplier, Nortec. All machines bear the mark SuperEco for a minimal water and energy consumption.
keyboard_arrow_downAll our apartments are fully furnished and equipped, so we use a lot of furniture, fixtures and equipment in our apartments. We source Furniture based on durability, timelessness in design and renewability.
Montana is a danish furniture company. They have their entire production in Denmark and they have obtained the EU Ecolabel on several product lines. We use their Panton Wire products – designed by danish designer Verner Panton. He is known for his iconic and timeless pieces.
Fritz Hansen is a Danish furniture company known for the portfolio of major danish design classics, designed by immortal furniture designers such as Arne Jacobsen and Poul Kjærholm. We use Arne Jacobsen chairs in various forms; the Ant, the Seven Chair and the Drop. We also use Arne Jacobsen stools with aniline leather upholstery
Aurnia is our in-house furniture brand, where we have designed the items inhouse. So it is a danish brand with designs based on the Nordic, minimalistic tradition. The furniture is designed and assembled in Denmark. Some of the items are manufactured in Europe and asia. We get some raw materials (steel and marble) is from asia as well.
Recycling policy
keyboard_arrow_downWe re-cycle waste by doing proper disposal at municipal waste plants and our papertrail is fully digitalized to limit unnessecary paper usage.
We have limited the use of single-use plastic and we encourage our clients to be mindful of the environment, however we can't control adherence
keyboard_arrow_downWe have low-energy light bulbs and LED light sources in most properties and light sources. When we come across non-LED light sources, the light bulbs are immediately exchanged to LED / low energy bulbs.
Cleaning products
keyboard_arrow_downWe employ inhouse cleaning staff, so we source cleaning detergents inhouse. All apartments are cleaned regularly – both ongoingly during peoples stay and upon Move ins / move outs. All our cleaning detergents are Eco friendly and “Svanemærket” and staff is trained not to overdose detergents. The supplier is called Totalrent.
keyboard_arrow_downIn properties, where we have had an influence in the construction phase, there are solar panels in the roofs. Solar panels are currently in place in 5% of the properties we operate. So far, having influence in the construction phase is rare, but it is a future focus point
keyboard_arrow_downAppliances that we buy, are always sourced based on energy efficiency and strong energy labels. We do not have complete control of the purchase of all appliances in the properties, as our real estate partners are also installing these before we take over a property. Where possible, we have soft-water-systems in properties to soften the water and prolong the lifespan on appliances.
keyboard_arrow_downWe have a smaller car fleet of company cars, where a portion uses fossil fuel. We are in the process of going 100% electric as current leasing agreements are set to expire. Other than the car fleet, our staff use electrical bikes, electrical scooters and public transport to get around.
We try our hardest to make sure each apartment we have is managed with a focus on sustainability and the environment. From Electricity to the transport used by our service team, Movinn keeps a close eye on a dozen key parts of our process and ensure they are beneficial for both the people using them, and the environment.
Diversity in hiring and staff training
We currently employ 34 people, where 21 (62%) are men and 13 are women (38%). Our largest section is our service department, where the use of power-tools and heavy lifting is part of the day-to-day work. Here, the workforce is predominantly male.
- CEO, Patrick Blok
- CFO, Jesper Thaning
- COO (Denmark), Jakob Thye
- VD (Sweden), Johanna Engströmer
Our executive management group currently consists of four people and has a gender split of 50/50.
We don’t accept discrimination in our hiring, and we have an equal opportunity policy for both hiring and advancement within our organization. This spans across social backgrounds, race, age, gender and sexuality. You can read more about our current employee mix below.

Diversity in Clients
We do more than 1,000 move ins a year and we are constantly welcoming people from all over the world. Our current residents hail from every continent of the world – maybe with the exception of Antarctica. We are confident that every mainstream religion in the world is represented as well.
The screen clients based on basic KYC practices and we don’t work with clients that is obviously engaged in criminal or unethichal activities – both current and historically.
Current EU Sanctions on Russia
Due to the current war in Ukraine, the EU have imposed sanctions on Russia. We don’t have any stakeholders, that is covered by the current sanctions (Nov 2022) and we do no business with Russian companies.
Social Events and commitments
We host social events for our residents interested in attending. We also accept invitations to resident’s homes, if they invite us in an informal setting.

Fair wages and hiring terms
We have displayed our starting wages and hiring terms on (mainly parttime) service, cleaning and IT staff. in the fields below. Our Full time employees are hired on competitively terms for a company our size.
We try to be an attractive workplace and a part of that is an attractive wage package, pension plans, private health care insurance and some fair, flexible hiring terms.
On top of that we do inhouse training and then we pay for the further formal training and education of our workforce. Examples include:
- Full certification as certified craftsman (electrician).
- Full education as Property Administrator.
- University course from Ivy league universities directed at specific qualifications.

Anti-corruption and bribery
We do not engage in anything that can be interpreted or labelled as corruption or bribery. We do regular client care, where we invite partners to events, lunches and give office Christmas presents (i.e. gift baskets or wine). However, we have increased focus on our stakeholders in the public sector and the medicinal sector, where stricter standards apply.
In regard to public officials, we have a 700 DKK maximum gift policy, which is the tax-free maximum under Danish law. Other than that, we would happily invite public officials to join us for lunch or dinner, if such dinner or lunch has a direct and practical purpose, but expenses will always be kept at an ordinary, modest level.

Health and Safety
Health and Safety I - Workplace
We comply with health & safety standards in the workplace, with regards to indoor climate, workwear, equipment and similar. It is nothing major or extraordinary from what you would expect for any company doing business in northern Europe. We do an APV report once every three years. Last time we conduction on APV was in 2022.
We also do ongoing evaluation of executive management to make sure that we monitor and align all our people. Furthermore, we have a Personel Code of Conduct that is being shared with all employees. Handbook is updated once a year and shared with staff. In here we have a detailed description in place to ensure the best possible workplace environment.
Health and Safety II - Apartments
All our active apartments comply with local building codes in respects to fire hazards, fire escape routes, ventilation, natural lights etc.
Furniture is of high quality, apartments are cleaned regularly and maintained ongoingly

The Movinn Foundation is our (very) humble and small contribution to supporting our local communities. It is nothing major, but we have to start somewhere.
We do different types of charity work and donations, but our philosophy is mainly based on volunteering work, direct co-operations and direct support and donations to our local communities.
For a direct and local impact.